Here are the simple procedures for erasing a Snapchat story. No matter how experienced or inexperienced Snapchat is, we will help you maximize your engagement.  Let’s not waste more time and learn how to remove a Snapchat story.

Steps to delete a Snapchat story

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that allows you to share your life moments with friends and family.  However, sometimes you may want to delete a story you’ve posted.  To help you, here’s a step-by-step guide to deleting a Snapchat story. Step 1: Open the Snapchat app. On your device, locate and open the Snapchat app. You will be taken to the camera screen to take a snap or access your profile. Step 2: Access Your Profile and Story. To access your profile, swipe down from the camera screen. This will take you to your profile, where you can view your stories. Step 3: Locate the Story You Want to Delete. Scroll through your stories to find the one that you want to delete. Step 4: Swipe Left or Press the Three Dots. To delete a story, you can either swipe left on the story or press the three dots in the top right corner of the story. Step 5: Select the “Delete” Option. After swiping left or pressing the three dots, you will see several options, including “Delete.” Tap оn “Delete” to remove the story from your profile. Step 6: Confirm Deletion A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion. Tap on “Yes” to delete the story permanently. And that’s it!  You have successfully deleted a Snapchat story. If you encounter any issues or have questions, refer tо the troubleshooting section of this article for help.

Troubleshooting common issues

Sometimes, you may encounter some issues despite following the steps to delete a Snapchat story.  Here are some common issues and how to resolve them: Issue 1: Unable to Find the Delete Option  If you cannot find the delete option when trying to delete a story, ensure that you have updated the latest version оf the Snapchat app. If the issue persists, try restarting the app оr your device. Issue 2: Story Still Visible After Deletion  If your story is still visible on your profile after you have deleted it, it may be because of a network issue оr a delay in the app’s servers. Wait a few minutes and check your profile again. Try restarting the app or your device if the story is still visible. Issue 3: Deleting a Story Shared with Friends  If you have shared a story with friends, deleting it from your profile will not remove it from their device. They will still bе able to view it until it expires. To avoid this issue, make sure to only share stories you are comfortable with remaining visible to your friends.


You may remove a Snapchat story from your account in just a few easy steps. Unwanted posts оn your profile can be removed with minimal effort.  If you run into problems, try fixing them using the advice given. If you want to maintain your Snapchat account safe and up-to-date, you need to delete old stories.

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